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预览 [SLG] 【10.24.14】《文明:太空(Civilization: Beyond Earth)》RAS免安装硬盘版[繁体中文][1.9G] heatlevel  ...234 renchongyi 2014-10-24 05:59 10164111 lm00319 2024-4-19 23:48
预览 [SLG] 【10.12.16】《欧陆风云4:人权(Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man)》3DM英免安装版[EN][2.36G] attach_img  ...2 会飞的雨smile 2016-10-12 11:58 3836924 tclf 2024-4-14 11:59
预览 [SLG] 【07.19.17】《终极将军:内战(Ultimate General: Civil War)》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN][1.26G] attachment agree  ...2 会飞的雨smile 2017-7-19 16:58 4237840 境界的维度 2024-1-1 13:13
预览 [SLG] 【03.01.15】《欧陆风云4:黄金国度(Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][739M] heatlevel renchongyi 2015-3-1 08:13 1816272 孑孓独生 2023-10-29 11:44
预览 [SLG] 【03.30.17】《文明6(Civilization VI)》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN] [6G ] attach_img agree  ...2 会飞的雨smile 2017-3-30 16:12 3822976 herooone6666 2023-9-16 20:07
预览 [SLG] 【08.30.17】《世纪之石2:庞大巨石》官方简体中文免安装版[CN][4.4G] 会飞的雨smile 2017-8-30 16:20 1416650 123117474 2023-7-20 12:02
预览 [SLG] 【06.06.17】《战团:装甲版(Brigador: Up-Armored Edition)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][362M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-6-5 19:56 79493 newhuangzheng 2023-2-9 22:48
预览 [SLG] 【09.15.17】《超新星:逃离(HYPERNOVA: Escape from Hadea)》英文免安装版[EN][365M] 会飞的雨smile 2017-9-14 17:06 2211133 指尖传递爱 2023-1-26 15:01
预览 [SLG] 【05.10.16】《群星(Stellaris)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][1.4G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-5-10 07:06 1010441 碎星级战列舰 2022-12-25 20:55
预览 [SLG] 【03.30.15】《防御阵型2(Defense Grid 2)》特别版 RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][1.3G] heatlevel renchongyi 2015-3-30 09:17 2510159 shutup19861007 2022-10-21 14:19
预览 [SLG] 【09.26.15】《伟大时代:中世纪(Grand Ages: Medieval)》RAS免安装硬盘版[繁体中文][3.4G][由GOG版压制] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-9-26 11:52 2214035 a13598331165 2022-10-4 10:39
预览 [SLG] 【05.11.17】《皇家攻防战(Royal Offense)》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN][46M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-13 19:49 59055 dr_lichun 2022-2-4 14:52
预览 [SLG] 【09.08.17】《加里森护卫队:太空殖民地》英文免安装版[EN][401M] 会飞的雨smile 2017-9-6 17:04 89418 123117474 2022-1-18 08:22
预览 [SLG] 【01.29.15】《魔法门之英雄无敌3HD(Heroes of MM3 HD)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][1.36G] heatlevel agree  ...23 renchongyi 2015-1-29 11:21 7030189 3dm_19264986 2021-9-7 14:49
预览 [SLG] 【05.19.17】《命令:战争之链(Command: Chains of War)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][4.18G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-19 15:03 47738 lisky007 2021-7-27 12:10
预览 [SLG] 【09.02.15】《信长之野望14:势力范围(NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: SoI)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][4.3G] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-9-2 06:34 1415263 g3851216 2020-7-18 20:33
预览 [SLG] 【04.20.16】《旗帜的传说2(The Banner Saga 2)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][3.3G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-4-20 07:34 96116 cofeh 2020-7-8 02:26
预览 [SLG] 【02.05.16】《幽浮2(XCOM 2)》RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][18.6G] attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 renchongyi 2016-2-5 09:33 4630158 3dm_15002966 2019-11-3 16:30
预览 [SLG] 【07.17.15】《术士之王(Sorcerer King)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][2.7G] heatlevel renchongyi 2015-7-17 06:01 1230993 fixxp 2019-4-22 17:24
预览 [SLG] 【12.20.16】《帝国时代2:阿尔杰斯的崛起》高清版 3DM英文免安装版 [EN][3G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-12-20 13:21 2020050 法虎88 2019-3-21 20:08
预览 [SLG] 【05.22.17】《双子星座军阀(Starpoint Gemini Warlords)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][5.3G] attach_img agree 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-25 18:22 66630 0512900 2019-1-27 15:39
预览 [SLG] 【07.17.17】《糖果大盗:小矮人的故事》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN][695M] attachment 会飞的雨smile 2017-7-19 16:48 64670 0512900 2019-1-27 15:37
预览 [SLG] 【08.08.17】《死亡终结(Dead Exit)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][451M] 会飞的雨smile 2017-8-10 11:06 44375 0512900 2019-1-27 15:36
预览 [SLG] 【08.10.17】《战略与战术:黑暗时代(Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][1.14G] 会飞的雨smile 2017-8-10 11:13 511109 0512900 2019-1-27 15:36
预览 [SLG] 【08.15.15】《沉沦:A2P预案(Fallen: A2P Protocol)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][323M] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-8-15 22:48 97035 msyoffice 2019-1-2 18:49
预览 [SLG] 【05.14.17】《末世人类大战(Post Human W.A.R)》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN][465M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-13 19:58 611468 123117474 2018-12-12 09:52
预览 [SLG] 【12.02.16】《家园(Townsmen)》3DM官方中文免安装版[CN][145M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-12-2 17:01 1819493 haoren0098 2018-10-20 18:53
预览 [SLG] 【04.27.16】《家园:卡拉克沙漠(Homeworld Deserts of Kharak)》RAS免安装硬盘版[X64][V1.2整合DLC][3.7G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-4-27 12:52 109824 celinone 2018-10-17 13:48
预览 [SLG] 【07.09.13】《文明5:美丽新世界(Civilization V: Brave New World)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][3.9G] attachment heatlevel  ...23 renchongyi 2013-7-9 13:17 8474931 zxl007 2018-10-15 04:33
预览 [SLG] 【01.20.17】《战锤40K:神圣军团(Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach)》3DM英文免安装版[EN] [1.12G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-1-20 13:20 119977 leixing123 2018-8-3 04:53
预览 [SLG] 【08.15.15】《太空巨人:飞升(Space Hulk Ascension)》集成继承者章节包DLC RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][2.2G] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-8-15 18:44 67112 leixing123 2018-8-2 23:56
预览 [SLG] 【09.13.15】《伊斯特里恩的天灾(Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][670M] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-9-13 07:29 138644 leixing123 2018-8-2 23:41
预览 [SLG] 【9.2.16】《术士之王:竞争对手(Sorcerer King: Rivals)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][3.15G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-9-2 12:11 810752 leixing123 2018-8-2 22:46
预览 [SLG] 【04.21.17】《史诗战争模拟器(Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator)》英文免安装版[EN][2.15G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-4-21 13:45 829675 下里巴人_ 2018-4-24 21:12
预览 [SLG] 【06.17.16】《银河文明3(Galactic Civilizations III)》RAS免安装硬盘版[集成 人类崛起DLC][EN][6G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-6-18 08:41 119639 123117474 2018-4-19 00:13
预览 [SLG] 【06.17.16】《阿提拉:全面战争(Total War: Attila)》RAS免安装硬盘版[v1.6集成查理曼大帝DLC][EN][9.6G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-6-17 18:52 99211 星染邪风 2018-3-13 20:32
预览 [SLG] 【06.02.16】《英雄防御之幽魂岛(Hero Defense - Haunted Island)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][397M] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-6-2 06:55 118558 123117474 2018-2-28 09:35
预览 [SLG] 【06.30.17】《终极象棋(Chess Ultra)》3DM英文免安装版[EN] [4.52] attachment 会飞的雨smile 2017-6-26 19:53 810996 wookie 2018-2-27 22:26
预览 [SLG] 【07.26.16】《战争地带98:重制版(Battlezone 98 Redux - The Red Odyssey)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][1.6G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-7-26 08:28 77305 123117474 2018-2-25 00:20
预览 [SLG] 【05.18.16】《雷威龙空间(Leveron Space)》RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][1.4G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-5-18 18:13 107989 123117474 2018-2-21 00:03
预览 [SLG] 【07.19.16】《绝对迎击战争(Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][639M] attachment renchongyi 2016-7-19 19:59 76923 123117474 2018-2-18 23:59
预览 [SLG] 【07.15.16】《无尽袭击(Infinium Strike)》RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][996M] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-7-15 06:20 2211314 123117474 2018-2-18 23:57
预览 [SLG] 【06.11.15】《深渊秘境(Abyss Raiders: Uncharted)》RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][v1.5][1.4G] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-6-11 20:14 910037 打死不取名字 2018-1-31 23:29
预览 [SLG] 【12.16.16】《超级地下城战术(Super Dungeon Tactics)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][1.4G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-12-16 13:17 88713 123117474 2018-1-13 18:58
预览 [SLG] 【05.04.17】《坦克大战:突尼斯1943(Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943)》英文免安装版[EN][2.71G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-4 17:14 68945 123117474 2017-12-13 00:32
预览 [SLG] 【12.11.14】《信长之野望14:创造 威力加强版(Nobunaga No Yabou: Souzou PK)》RAS免安装硬盘版[JP][4.1G] heatlevel  ...2 renchongyi 2014-12-11 08:00 4223465 Matumbaman001 2017-11-21 22:54
预览 [SLG] 【11.14.16】《仙女座的黎明(Dawn of Andromeda)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][945M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-11-14 14:43 117130 星夜疾风 2017-9-22 10:32
预览 [SLG] 【07.11.17】《symeCu8e(symeCu8e)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][1.27G] attachment 会飞的雨smile 2017-7-11 14:23 53394 哈库拉 2017-8-24 16:22
预览 [SLG] 【07.28.17】《糖果大盗:小矮人的故事》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN][695M] attachment 会飞的雨smile 2017-7-26 11:53 25589 123117474 2017-8-19 00:24
预览 [SLG] 【03.17.17】《胜利法典(Codex of Victory)》3DM官方简体中文免安装版[CN] [1.58G ] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-3-17 13:45 1011851 qingguainiao 2017-7-9 19:21
预览 [SLG] 【04.27.17】《陆军上将(Army General)》英文免安装版[EN][943M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-4-27 14:10 65567 没事瞎逛呗 2017-7-9 06:13
预览 [SLG] 【05.16.17】《公理边缘(Axiom Verge)》英文免安装版[EN][468M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-5-16 13:47 23994 Ferryage 2017-5-16 20:31
预览 [SLG] 【08.24.16】《百战天虫W.M.D(Worms W.M.D)》集成音乐包 3DM英文免安装版[EN][559MB] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-8-24 11:02 2110344 zlp999 2017-5-11 20:16
预览 [SLG] 【02.26.16】《我们是矮人(We Are the Dwarves)》RAS免安装硬盘版[简体中文][1.4G] heatlevel renchongyi 2016-2-26 18:23 1711906 laomalove 2017-4-30 16:10
预览 [SLG] 【04.12.17】《冲击战术(Shock Tactics)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][786M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-4-12 13:17 35541 萌え☆石头 2017-4-25 12:53
预览 [SLG] 【9.3.16】《火焰山术士(The Warlock of Firetop Mountain)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][962M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-9-3 08:11 67885 jeffreywu5 2017-4-4 22:40
预览 [SLG] 【04.06.13】《帝国时代2:高清版(Age of Empires II HD)》RAS免安装简体中文完整硬盘版[CN][766M][中文语音] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 renchongyi 2013-4-6 10:12 14258261 maylqw 2017-2-12 19:29
预览 [SLG] 【02.22.16】《银河文明3雇佣兵DLC(Galactic Civilizations III Mercenaries)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][6G] attachment heatlevel renchongyi 2016-2-22 09:45 169986 natureren 2017-2-2 20:34
预览 [SLG] 【05.15.15】《银河文明3(Galactic Civilizations III)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][6.1G] attachment heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-5-15 09:26 1911604 natureren 2017-2-2 20:31
预览 [SLG] 【10.17.16】《豪华新兴城市(BoomTown! Deluxe)》3DM英免安装版[EN][26M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-10-17 14:17 75983 Eccta 2017-1-23 18:01
预览 [SLG] 【9.12.16】《翡翠6:基地指挥官(Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][338M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-9-12 18:35 69030 Eccta 2017-1-23 17:58
预览 [SLG] 【9.1.16】《塔海拉:星界帝国的回声(Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][968M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-9-1 13:02 35324 Eccta 2017-1-22 23:42
预览 [SLG] 【01.05.17】《努力停车(Try Hard Parking)》3DM英文免安装版[EN][553M] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2017-1-5 13:11 23504 FreeK. 2017-1-5 21:06
预览 [SLG] 【05.11.16】《致命战术(TASTEE: Lethal Tactics)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][1.3G] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-5-11 16:28 88963 chengeea 2016-12-28 22:36
预览 [SLG] 【11.23.16】《影子英雄:火焰复仇(Shadow Heroes: Vengeance In Flames)》第一章 3DM英文免安装版[EN][1.5G] attach_img 会飞的雨smile 2016-11-23 14:18 65531 加特技 2016-12-23 00:26
预览 [SLG] 【05.09.14】《神话时代:扩展版(Age of Mythology: Extended Edition)》RAS免安装硬盘版[繁体中文][1.1G] heatlevel agree  ...2 renchongyi 2014-5-9 07:44 3422494 homolist 2016-12-18 10:17
预览 [SLG] 【11.03.15】《纪元2205(Anno 2205)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][8.7G] attachment heatlevel agree renchongyi 2015-11-3 18:47 1615619 172196935 2016-12-4 13:35
预览 [SLG] 【03.05.16】《星辰深处(Into the Stars)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][1.3G] heatlevel agree renchongyi 2016-3-5 09:37 1510147 i0you110 2016-9-27 11:44
预览 [SLG] 【07.29.16】《蒸汽小队(Steam Squad)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][888M] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-7-29 07:17 108004 苍穹之 2016-9-13 00:57
预览 [SLG] 【08.19.16】《战锤40k:末日之战-大兽人(Warhammer 40k Armageddon Da Orks)》RAS免安装硬盘版[EN][848M] attachment agree renchongyi 2016-8-19 09:05 57960 guozhoajing 2016-9-6 20:55
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