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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2011-7-19 18:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 taoshuxia 于 2011-7-20 12:39 编辑


Pelinal 佩里纳尔



The Adabal-a


The memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia

Editor's Note: The Adabal-a is traditionally believed to be the memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia the Slave Queen. While this cannot be historically verified, the Adabal-a is certainly among the oldest written accounts to come down to us from the early First Era.

Pelinal's Death

        And in the blood-floored throne room of White-Gold, the severed head of Pelinal spoke to the winged-bull, Morihaus, demigod lover of Al-Esh, saying, "Our enemies have undone me, and spread my body into hiding. In mockery of divine purpose, the Ayleids cut me into eighths, for they are obsessed with this number."

        And Morihaus, confused, snorted through his ring, saying, "Your crusades went beyond her counsel, Whitestrake, but I am a bull, and therefore reckless in my wit. I think I would go and gore our prisoners if you had left any alive. You are blood-made-glorious, uncle, and will come again, as fox animal or light. Cyrod is still ours."

        Then Pelinal spoke again for the last time: "Beware, Morihaus, beware! With the foresight of death I know now that my foe yet lives, bitter knowledge to take to my grave. Better that I had died believing myself the victor. Although cast beyond the doors of night, he will return. Be vigilant! I can no longer shield the host of Men from Umaril's retribution."

Alessia's Youth During the Slave-Years

        Perrif's original tribe is unknown, but she grew up in Sard, anon Sardarvar Leed, where the Ayleids herded in men from across all the Niben: kothri, nede, al-gemha, men-of-'kreath (though these were later known to be imported from the North), keptu, men-of-ge (who were eventually destroyed when the Flower King Nilichi made great sacrifice to an insect god named [lost]), al-hared, men-of-ket, others; but this was Cyrod, the heart of the imperatum saliache, where men knew no freedom, even to keep family, or choice of name except in secret, and so to their alien masters all of these designations were irrelevant.

        Men were given over to the lifting of stones, and the draining of the fields, and the upkeep of temple and road; or to become art-tortures for strange pleasures, as in the wailing wheels of Vindasel and the gut-gardens of Sercen; and flesh-sculpture, which was everywhere among the slaves of the Ayleids in those days; or, worse, the realms of the Fire King Hadhuul, where the begetting of drugs drawn from the admixture of daedrons into living hosts let one inhale new visions of torment, and children were set aflame for nighttime tiger sport.

Morihaus Explains Alessia's Names

        Then Morihaus said to them: "In your tales you have many names for her: Al-Esh, given to her in awe, that when translated sounds like a redundancy, 'the high high', from which come the more familiar corruptions: Aleshut, Esha, Alessia. You knew her as Paravant, given to her when crowned, 'first of its kind', by which the gods meant a mortal worthy of the majesty that is killing-questing-healing, which is also Paraval, Pevesh, Perrethu, Perrif, and, in my case, for it is what I called her when we were lovers: Paravania."

        "Though she is gone to me, she remains bathed in stars, first Empress, Lady of Heaven, Queen-ut-Cyrod."

        And they considered themselves full-answered, and departed.

















原帖在此 http://www.sengoku.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=162922
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-19 18:58 | 只看该作者



Water Stone:                                                              
Earth Stone:
Beast Stone:   
Tree Stone:
Sun Stone:
Wind Stone:


Aevar Stone-singer
by Anonymous
Traditional Skaalmyth about a young Skaal's journey to recover the Gifts of the All-Maker

"Sit quietly, Child, and listen, for the storyI tell you is a story of the ages."
"But what is it,Grandfather? Is it a story of heroes and beasts?"
The Grandfather lookedpatiently at the Child. He was growing into a fine boy. Soon he would see the value in the stories, the lessons that were taught to each generation."Just listen, Child. Let the story take root in your heart."

In a time before now,long before now, when the Skaal were new, there was peace in the Land.The sun was hot and the crops grew long, and the people were happy in the peace that the All-Maker provided. But, the Skaal grew complacent and lazy, and they took for granted the Lands and all the gifts the All-Maker had given them. They forgot, or chose not to remember, that the Adversary is always watching, and that he delights in tormenting the All-Maker and his chosen people. And so it was that the Adversary came to be among the Skaal.
The Adversary has many aspects. He appears in the unholy beasts and the incurable plague. At the End of Seasons, we will know him as Thartaag the World-Devourer. But in these age she came to be known as the Greedy Man.
The Greedy Man (thatis what we call him, for to speak his name would certainly bring ruin on the people) lived among the Skaal for many months. Perhaps he was once just a man,but when the Adversary entered into him, he became the Greedy Man, and that is how he is remembered.
It came to be one day that the powers of the Skaal left them. The strength left the arms of the warriors, and the shaman could no longer summon the beasts to their side. The elders thought that surely the All-Maker was displeased, and some suggested that the All-Maker had left them forever. It was then that the Greedy Man appeared to them and spoke.
"You of the Skaal have grown fat and lazy. I have stolen the gifts of your All-Maker. I have stolen the Oceans, so you will forever know thirst. I have stolen the Lands and the Trees and the Sun, so your crops will wither and die. I have stolen the Beasts,so you will go hungry. And I have stolen the Winds, so you will live without the Spirit of the All-Maker.
"And until one of you can reclaim these gifts, the Skaal will live in misery and despair. For I am the Greedy Man, and that is my nature."
And the Greedy Man disappeared.
The members of the Skaal spoke for many days and nights. They knew that one of them must retrieve the Gifts of the All-Maker, but they could not decide who it should be.
"I cannot go," said the Elder, "for I us must stay to lead the Skaal, and tell our people what is the law."
"I cannot go," said the Warrior, "for I must protect the Skaal. My sword will be needed in case the Greedy Man reappears."
"I cannot go," said the Shaman, "for the people need my wisdom. I must read the portents and offer my knowledge."
It was then that ayoung man called Aevar lifted his voice. He was strong of arm, and fleet of foot, though he was not yet a warrior of the Skaal.
"I will go,"said Aevar, and the Skaal laughed.
"Hear me out," the boy continued. "I am not yet a warrior, so my sword will not be needed. I cannot read the portents, so the people will not seek my counsel. And I am young, and not yet wise in the ways of the law. I will retrieve the Gifts of the All-Maker from the Greedy Man. If I cannot, I will not be missed."
The Skaal thought on this briefly, and decided to let Aevar go. He left the village the next morning to retrieve the Gifts.
Aevar first set out to retrieve the Gift of Water, so he traveled to the Water Stone. It was there the All-Maker first spoke to him.
"Travel west to the sea and follow the Swimmer to the Waters of Life."
So Aevar walked to the edge of the ocean, and there was the Swimmer, a Black Horker, sent from the All-Maker. The Swimmer dove into the waters and swam very far, and far again.Aevar was strong, though, and he swam hard. He followed the Swimmer to a cave,swimming deeper and deeper, his lungs burning and his limbs exhausted. At last,he found a pocket of air, and there, in the dark, he found the Waters of Life.Gathering his strength, he took the Waters and swam back to the shore.
Upon returning to the Water Stone, the All-Maker spoke. "You have returned the Gift of Water tothe Skaal. The Oceans again will bear fruit, and their thirst will be quenched."
Aevar then traveled to the Earth Stone, and there the All-Maker spoke to him again.
"Enter the Cave of the Hidden Music,and hear the Song of the Earth."
So Aevar traveled north and east to the Cave of the Hidden Music. He found himself in a large cavern, where the rocks hung from the ceiling and grew from the ground itself.He listened there, and heard the Song of the Earth, but it was faint. Grabbing up his mace, he struck the rocks of the floor in time with the Song, and the Song grew louder, until it filled the cavern and his heart. Then he returned to the Earth Stone.
"The Gift of the Earth is with the Skaal again," said the All-Maker. "The Lands are rich again, and will bear life."
Aevar was tired, as the Sun burned him, the trees offered no shade, and there was no wind to cool him. Still, he traveled on to the Beast Rock, and the All-Maker spoke.
"Find the Good Beast and ease his suffering."
Aevar traveled through the woods of the Isinfier for many hours until he heard the cries of a bear from over a hill. As he crested a hill, he saw the bear, a Falmer's arrow piercing its neck. He checked the woods for the Falmer (for that is what they were, though some say they are not), and finding none, approached the beast. He spoke soothing words and came upon it slowly, saying, "Good Beast, I mean you no harm. The All-Maker has sent me to ease your suffering."
Hearing these words,the bear ceased his struggles, and laid his head at Aevar's feet. Aevar grasped the arrow and pulled it from the bear's neck. Using the little nature magic he knew, Aevar tended the wound, though it took the last bit of his strength. As the bear's wound closed, Aevar slept.
When he awoke, the bear stood over him, and the remains of a number of the Falmer were strewn about. He knew that the Good Beast had protected him during the night. He traveled back to Beast Rock, the bear by his side, and the All-Maker spoke to him again.
"You have returned the Gift of the Beasts. Once again, the Good Beasts will feed theSkaal when they are hungry, clothe them when they are cold, and protect them intimes of need."
Aevar's strength hadreturned, so he traveled on to the Tree Stone, though the Good Beast did notfollow him. When he arrived, the All-Father spoke to him.
"The First Treesare gone, and must be replanted. Find the seed and plant the First Tree."
Aevar traveled againthrough the Hirstaang Forest, searching for the seedsof the First Tree, but he could find none. Then he spoke to the Tree Spirits,the living trees. They told him that the seeds had been stolen by one of theFalmer (for they are the servants of the Adversary), and this Falmer was hidingthem deep in the forest, so that none would ever find them.
Aevar traveled to thedeepest part of the forest, and there he found the evil Falmer, surrounded bythe Lesser Tree Spirits. Aevar could see that the Spirits were in his thrall,that he had used the magic of the Seeds and spoken their secret name. Aevarknew he could not stand against such a force, and that he must retrieve theseeds in secret.
Aevar reached into hispouch and drew out his flint. Gathering leaves, he started a small fire outsidethe clearing where the Falmer and the ensorcelled Spirits milled. All the Skaalknow the Spirits' hatred of fires, for the fires ravage the trees they serve.At once, the Nature of the Spirits took hold, and they rushed to quell theflames. During the commotion, Aevar snuck behind the Falmer and snatched thepouch of Seeds, stealing away before the evil being knew they were gone.
When Aevar returned tothe Tree Stone, he planted the tree in the ground, and the All-Maker spoke tohim.
"The Gift ofTrees is restored. Once again, the Trees and Plants will bloom and grow, andprovide nourishment and shade."
Aevar was tired, forthe Sun would only burn, and the Winds would not yet cool him, but he restedbriefly in the shade of the Trees. His legs were weary and his eyes heavy, buthe continued on, traveling to the Sun Stone.Again, the All-Maker spoke.
"The gentlewarmth of the Sun is stolen, so now it only burns. Free the Sun from the Halls of Penumbra."
And so Aevar walkedwest, over the frozen lands until he reached the Halls of Penumbra. The airinside was thick and heavy, and he could see no farther than the end of hisarm. Still, he felt his way along the walls, though he heard the shuffling offeet and knew that this place held the Unholy Beasts who would tear his fleshand eat his bones. For hours he crept along, until he saw a faint glow far atthe end of the hall.
There, from behind asheet of perfect ice, came a glow so bright he had to shut his eyes, lest theybe forever blinded. He plucked the flaming eye from one of the Unholy Beastsand threw it at the ice with all his might. A small crack appeared in the ice,then grew larger. Slowly, the light crept out between the cracks, wideningthem, splitting the ice wall into pieces. With a deafening crack, the wallcrumbled, and the light rushed over Aevar and through the Halls. He heard theshrieks of the Unholy Beasts as they were blinded and burned. He ran out of theHalls, following the light, and collapsed on the ground outside.
When he was able torise again, the Sun again warmed him, and he was glad for that. He traveledback to the Sun Stone, where the All-Maker spoke to him.
"The Gift of theSun is the Skaal's once again. It will warm them and give them light."
Aevar had one finalGift he had to recover, the Gift of the Winds, so he traveled to the Wind Stone, far on the western coast ofthe island. When he arrived, the All-Maker spoke to him, giving him his finaltask.
"Find the GreedyMan and release the Wind from its captivity."
So, Aevar wandered theland in search of the Greedy Man. He looked in the trees, but the Greedy Mandid not hide there. Nor did he hide near the oceans, or the deep caves, and thebeasts had not seen him in the dark forests. Finally, Aevar came to a crookedhouse, and he knew that here he would find the Greedy Man.
"Who areyou," shouted the Greedy Man, "that you would come to my house?"
"I am Aevar ofthe Skaal," said Aevar. "I am not warrior, shaman, or elder. If I donot return, I will not be missed. But I have returned the Oceans and the Earth,the Trees, the Beasts, and the Sun, and I will return the Winds to my people,that we may feel the spirit of the All-Maker in our souls again."
And with that, hegrabbed up the Greedy Man's bag and tore it open. The Winds rushed out withgale force, sweeping the Greedy Man up and carrying him off, far from theisland. Aevar breathed in the Winds and was glad. He walked back to the WindStone, where the All-Maker spoke to him a final time.
"You have donewell, Aevar. You, the least of the Skaal, have returned my gifts to them. TheGreedy Man is gone for now, and should not trouble your people again in yourlifetime. Your All-Maker is pleased. Go now, and live according to yourNature."
And Aevar started backto the Skaal village.

"And then whathappened, Grandfather?"
"What do youmean, Child? He went home."
"No. When hereturned to the village," the Child continued. "Was he made awarrior? Or taught the ways of the shaman? Did he lead the Skaal inbattle?"
"I do not know.That is where the story ends," said the Grandfather.
"But that is notan ending! That is not how stories end!"
The old man laughedand got up from his chair.
"Is it not?"


艾瓦尔 石之咏唱者



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