本帖最后由 lysheep 于 2014-8-11 18:49 编辑
(据hoop说转自戈壁,你懂得) We recently had a chance to interview Rob Jones, Sr. Producer Visual Concepts and Erick Boenisch, Sr. Producer, Visual Concepts to talk about a new mode for NBA 2K15 called MyLEAGUE, exclusive for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Before we get into the interview, here is a quick rundown on some of the options. In a nutshell, it’s the Association Mode that we all know and loved on old-gen consoles, on steroids. 我们最近有机会同来自 Visual Concepts 工作室的 Rob Jones 和 Erick Boenisch 进行了一次访谈,内容是有关于 NBA2K15 的新模式『MyLeague』,这个模式为 XBOX One 和 Playstation 4 平台的独占内容,在我们进行访谈之前,我们先来预览一下 MyLeague 模式中的一些设置内容。 简言之,这就是之前主机的『Association Mode』(联赛模式) 的魔鬼加强版。 MyLEAGUE offers both a single season or up to an 80 year franchise experience. You will have complete control over every aspect of how your league plays out. MyLeague 模式为玩家提供了一个单独赛季或 80 个赛季的体验,你将全权控制联盟的运作。 Here are some of those options: 以下就是一些你能控制的选项: • Custom Roster 自定义名单 • Season Length 赛季长度 • Conference Quarterfinals, semifinals, finals and NBA Finals 分区四分之一决赛,半决赛,决赛以及 NBA 总决赛 • Fantasy Draft Option 梦幻选秀条件 • Salary Cap 工资帽 • Hard Cap 硬性工资帽(不知如何翻译 ==) • Trade logic settings 交易逻辑设置 • General settings including team chemistry, lineup management and prospect scouting 包括球队化学反应,首发阵容安排以及球探报告的常规设置 • Difficulty settings 难度设置 • Trade Negotiations Difficulty 交易谈判难度 • Contract negotiation difficulty 合同谈判难度 • CPU re-Resigning Aggressiveness 电脑续约的强硬程度 • Morale difficulty and effects 球员士气的影响及其程度 • Chemistry difficulty and effects 球员化学反应的影响及其程度 • Trade frequency settings 交易频率设置 • Blockbuster trade frequency 联盟重大交易的频率 • Injury effects 受伤频率 • Draft class quality 选秀质量 • Player progression rate 球员发展程度 • In-season training effects 赛季中训练的效果 • Player non-financial ambitions factor 球员对于薪资的野心 • Normalize played to sim minutes 使模拟规定时间的比赛接近于正常比分 • Can manage/play with all teams 可以管理和游玩所有球队 NOTE: 2K Sports will NOT have online MyLEAGUES but they will have ONLINE leagues returning this year. 注:2K Sports 今年没有网上的『MyLeague』模式,但是之前的『Online Leagues』网上联赛模式将重新回归 The first question is the question everyone is wondering, will virtual currency play any role in MyLEAGUE? 第一个问题是很多人都想知道的,今年 VC 还会在 MyLeague 模式『胡作非为』吗?
VC doesn’t play any part in this mode, except that you can earn VC as games are played. MyLEAGUE was created specifically for members in our community that wanted a way to spend their time playing the game at its core. VC 在这个模式将不会起到任何作用了,当然你还是可以在这个模式中赚到 VC。MyLeague 是为了给那些想要花费在时间在游戏核心部分的玩家们准备的。
What was the inspiration behind MyLEAGUE, and what are the goals for this year? 你们是怎么想到 MyLeague 这个模式的,你们今年的目标是? Well, we heard the community loud and clear about wanting a mode that could be fully customizable. A mode that is more of a sandbox of options without limitations. That is what MyLEAGUE is all about. MyLEAGUE gives users the flexibility to do what they want at the pace they wish to do it. 是这样的,我们从玩家群体中听到了很多他们想要一个能完全自定义的模式的要求。一个能带有无限制的仿佛似沙箱游戏式的选项。 这个就是我们想要的模式,这个模式赋予玩家完全的权限,他们想做什么,就做什么~
Here is a question our old Association mode guys want to know: Can you control multiple/all teams? 习惯老式的联赛模式的玩家们想知道的是:我们能控制多个或全部球队吗? Yes, you can control from 1-30 teams in MyLEAGUE. Additionally, you can also import Classic and Euroleague teams into the mode. 是的,在『MyLeague』模式中你可以控制 1 到 30 只球队。而且,你可以导入经典球队以及欧洲球队到这个联赛中。(这个真不错!!!)
What kind of customization options will there be for season length? 对于赛季的长度有哪些自定义的选项呢? You can play either a single Season OR an 80-year Franchise with a season length set to 14/29/58/82 games per season. You can also customize the playoff series length. 你可以游玩 1 个赛季或者尝试一下 80 个赛季,每个赛季你都可以设置有 14/29/58/82 比赛。你也可以设置季后赛的长度。
Can you customize the number of teams allowed in the playoffs? 能否自定义季后赛的球队数量吗? No, the league is still based on the NBA, so the playoffs reflect the league’s playoff structure. 这个真不行,后面略...
You have two different settings for trades, with trade logic and trade frequency being listed. Will the trade logic and frequency settings be a slider? Can you elaborate on the extremes of each setting? 有两个不同的『交易』设置,一个叫交易逻辑,另一个是交易频率。这两个设置的呈现方式是一个 Slider 吗?你能阐述一下每个设置的极限状况吗? Trade Logic is simply an On/Off. When turned On, users will have the ability to turn the Trade Deadline on/off, turn Trade Override on/off, turn CPU Trades on/off, turn on CPU-CPU Trade Approval (think commissioner mode here), and the ability to turn Financial Trade Rules on/off. This last one is great for people who struggle to make trades work due to the complexities of the NBA collective bargaining agreement, as the requirement of the salaries to match can simply be turned off. Trade Frequency is a slider that allows you to tune the number of trades you see in a given season. Additionally, there is another slider called Trade Negotiation Difficulty. If you think the CPU is too lenient on trades (or too stingy), the ability to tune the mode to your likings is now at your fingertips. Trading in MyLEAGUE is more robust than ever before. 『交易逻辑』就是有一个开关。当这个设置开启时,玩家可以将交易否决权开启或关闭,将强制交易开启或关闭,将电脑交易开启或关闭,将电脑交易的成功或失败的决定权掌握在你的手中(想像你就是 NBA 的肖华吧~),将金钱交易规则开启或关闭。最后一个对于挣扎在各种 NBA 交易规则的人来说是一个福音,薪资匹配不再是一个问题,因为你可以关闭这个选项。『交易频率』是一个 Sliders,允许你控制一个赛季中交易的次数。 并且,还有一个设置叫『交易协商难易度』。如果你认为电脑对于交易出手太阔绰(或太吝啬),你完全可以通过这个设置把这些规则玩弄于股掌之间。『MyLeague』模式中的『交易』将会前所未有的强大。
Staying on trades, how often will blockbuster trades happen in the game? Can you customize their frequency as well? Are they determined by player ratings? 继续『交易』的问题,在游戏中重磅交易的频率是怎样的?能自定义这些频率吗?这些会被球员的数值影响吗? There is a separate slider for blockbuster trades. You can control their frequency. 有一个单独的 Slider 可以控制重大交易的频率。
How can players customize the salary cap in their leagues? 玩家在这个模式中可以自定义工资帽吗? You can decide if to have the salary cap on or off, and if you choose to have it on, you can choose to have the Hard Cap On/Off as well. You can even choose what that value is set to. 玩家可以控制工资帽的开启和关闭。如果你选择开启工资帽,你可以打开或关闭 Hard Cap。你还可以自定义它们的数值。
How will chemistry be calculated and how severe will the effects be between a team with good chemistry vs. a team with bad chemistry? 球队化学反应将如何被计算呢?化学反应对于拥有好的化学反应和差的化学反应的球队有多严重的影响呢? There is a close feedback loop between player morale and chemistry. They affect each other. Along with player personalities, we have created a matrix for each team for how its team makeup would affect chemistry. Each team has a particular makeup that will work for them Upsetting that balance will affect player morale, which in turn affects chemistry and ratings. A team with poor chemistry plays significantly worse than one that is on song. 在球员士气和球队化学反应之间,我们设置了一个封闭的反馈圈。它们互相影响。根据球员的个性,我们对于每个球队都设置了一个模型,用来表示球队的组成到底会怎样影响球队的化学反应。每个球队都有特定的平衡设置会影响球队的化学反应以及球员的数值。一个化学反应差的球队不会比化学反应好的球队表现出色的。
Can you change draft class quality from year to year or is there a variable setting to choose from? 玩家可以一年又一年的自定义新秀的质量吗?会有一个设置吗? Yes and yes. You can change it from year to year, and it is on a slider that lets you decide what the quality should be. 是的,你可以每年都自定义,而且还有一个 Slider 会协助你决定新秀的质量。
How will “injury effects” be handled in the mode? Can we change the type of injury someone gets or adjust the amount of time a player is inured? 在这个模式中『受伤影响』可以被控制吗?我们能改变受伤的类型吗?或是更改受伤的球员复原的时间吗?
This question allows me to introduce one of many new features that we’ve created for NBA 2K15. Injuries have been completely re-written for NBA 2K15; internally we like to call the new system ‘Injuries 2.0’. Historically, players in our game had a single Durability rating that would define how likely they were to get injured. When a player then got injured, a body part would randomly get chosen. Not great. With ‘Injuries 2.0’, every player has a unique durability rating for 16 different body parts (think left foot, right foot, left ankle, right ankle, etc.). This level of control allows us to pick a player like Russell Westbrook and say that he has a right knee with a significantly higher chance of getting injured than his left knee, or any other body part for that issue. In short, player injuries are going to be a lot more relevant, and a lot less random. Body parts are going to wear down over the course of a career, as more miles are put on the body. Significant injuries to a body part will often shorten the lifespan of that body part before it becomes a real problem later in a player’s career. These injuries, depending on the severity, can forever change a player. Some players will never get back to their former selves after they blow out a knee, for example. NBA 2K15 also introduces the concept of career ending injuries to our game. In truth, they don’t happen very often (as they shouldn’t!), but they do happen. Players with continued injury problems to a body part will feel those aches and pains and retire at an earlier age than a player who has managed to stay relatively healthy throughout their career. When a player gets hurt, you’ll often (not always) see him nurse that body part back to health with the aid of an accessory. Sleeves on elbows, pads on knees. It’s small, but it’s cool to see when you are playing the game. And when a player returns from an injury, he doesn’t necessarily come back 100% right away (injury length obviously drives this one). Players will need playing time to work their game back to its optimal level. Injuries are no longer like on/off light switches, you will now have to deal all facets of what it means when one of your players gets injured. Getting back to the original question at-hand, we keyed in on the sandbox philosophy of MyLEAGUE and allow you to customize the frequency of User/CPU injuries in addition to how much those injuries affect a player’s ratings. Heck, you can even turn injuries off all together, but do you really want to do that after you just read all of the above? One more thing on body durabilities. They will a be ‘thing’ when it comes to how you scout draft prospects throughout the season as our Prospect Scouting feature got a major overhaul this year. We’ll be talking more about that later this summer. The ‘game’ in scouting rookies is back, and we think you will love it. 借着这个问题,我正好来介绍一下 NBA 2K15 的众多新特性之一。在 NBA 2K15 中『受伤』将被重新设定。我们内部的人更喜欢称这个新系统叫做『受伤 2.0』。过去在游戏中每个球员都有一个『Durability』数值来定义他们受伤的频率。当一个球员受伤时,身体随机的补位将会被选中。这个设定显然不是很好... 在『受伤 2.0』系统中,每个球员有一个独立的『Durability』数值,分别对应身体的 16 各部分(比如说左脚,右脚,左脚踝,右脚踝,等等)。这样的设定会影响一个球员,比如说大威少 (PS: 什么?你不知道威少是谁?面壁思过去!),他的右膝盖明显比他的左膝盖受伤几率要高 (贝弗利安然一笑 XD),其他身体部分如果跟右膝盖有关联,那么这部分的受伤几率也会相对提高。 简言之,球员受伤将不会被随机选取,而是更量化了一些。 身体的各部分将会随着球员的职业生涯每况愈下。严重的伤病极有可能影响球员的整个职业生涯,根据受伤的严重程度,一次伤病可能永远地改变一个球员。举例来说,一个球员在遭受到巨大的膝盖伤病之后,他可能再也恢复不到以前的状态了。在 NBA 2K15 中,我们提出的一个新的概念 —— 致使球员生涯终结的『伤病』。实际上,这个不会经常发生的 (要不然玩家会宰了我们的...),但是这种情况的确有可能发生。一个球员如果持续的收到一种伤病的困扰,那么他很可能会比那些身体健康的球员提早退役。 当一个球员受伤后,你经常 (并不总是) 会看到他会使用一些装备来细心照料他受伤的身体,比如说护肘,护膝,它们看起来不起眼,但是他们带着这个护具打比赛显然有一些好处。而且当一个队员从一个伤病恢复时,他不可能马上恢复 100% 的状态。球员需要时间来恢复到他们最佳的状态。受伤将不会再像是一个开关,当一个球员经历伤病时,就需要你来考虑各个方面了。 回归我们整个访谈的主题,这个新模式会提供给玩家很大的自由度就像一个沙箱游戏,你可以控制自己或是电脑的球员的受伤频率和数值影响的程度,而且,你可以关掉这个受伤系统,但是我都叙述了这么半天关于新的受伤系统后,你真的想关闭吗?还有一个地方我想讲的就是『身体 Durability』,这个将会成为球探报告上的一部分,广船于整个赛季中。我们将会在夏天稍晚的时候谈论这部分。新秀球探报告回来了,你会不会有点儿小激动呢?(PS: 奥登大帝表示已经哭晕在厕所里...)
Can you have a fantasy draft? What sorts of options are there? 今年会有梦幻选秀吗?是什么样的方式呈现呢? Yes, Fantasy draft is a setting. You can set the draft order and the draft type. 会有的,梦幻选修是其中的一个设置。你可以设置你选秀的位置和方式。
You mention non-financial ambitions as something, which can be customized. Care to explain what that is and how it’s calculated? Does it affect a players desire for more money vs. playing time, etc.? 你提到了一个『球员对于薪资的野心』的概念,而且它是可以自定义的,介意向我们解释一下吗?它会影响一个球员对于比赛时间或是金钱的渴望吗? Adjusts the logic players use when signing in Free Agency. Increasing that slider means players take their other ambitions (Play For Winner and Loyalty) into greater consideration than at the default level. Lowering it makes money matter a lot more when they choose who they want to sign with. 在签自由球员的时候,这个就用到了。有一个 Slider 来规定,如果你提高这个属性,那么球员那更喜欢为荣誉而战;降低它,那么球员就会把钱放在第一位。
What difficulty settings will there be to customize? 会有自定义的难度选项吗? There’s a ton of difficulty settings available. Gameplay, Simulator, Trade Negotiations, Contract Negotiations, Morale, Chemistry... We’re putting full control in the user’s hands. 会有海量的难度设定供你选择。游玩设置,模拟设置,交易协商,合同协商,球员士气,化学反应...我们将所有的控制权都交给玩家。
Any bones you want to throw to the online guys? 对于那些喜欢网络对战的玩家来说,这个模式有木有什么吸引力呢? MyLEAGUE is an offline mode in NBA 2K15. However, for those wanting to play online, we have added requested functionality to Online Leagues as well working heavily on the stability of the mode. NBA 2K15 has benefited from lessons learned last year, improved online support both from first party and internal changes, as well as a full QA cycle on the mode. Between MyLEAGUE and Online leagues we have created a package that our core community will be excited about. 在 NBA 2K15 中,『MyLeague』是一个离线模式,然而,对于那些想要在网上对战的玩家来说,我们添加了许多玩家要求的功能到『网络联赛』模式。NBA 2K15 从去年的玩家反馈学习到了很多,改进网络的支持和内部的一些小改进,这次质量妥妥的。在『MyLeague』和『网络联赛』模式之间我们建立了一个很有起的 Package (不知如何翻译...),我们的核心玩家会很兴奋的。
If we can’t control every team, can we at least play other teams games? 如果玩家不能控制每个球队,那他们可以玩儿其他球队的比赛吗? You can control every team. You can also play games of teams that you do not have control over. Again, we’ve created MyLEAGUE so that you control how you want to play. 你可以控制每个球队。你也可以玩儿那些不在你控制范围内的球队的比赛。再次重申,我们创建这个模式就是为了让玩家控制一起。
What adjustments can we make to the draft class? Can we edit names/attributes/abilities? 对于选修来说,我们可以做怎样的调整呢?玩家们可以编辑球员的名字属性和能力吗? Yes, you have full editing over the draft class. In addition, we have added back in a robust create a player system. Details on this will come closer to launch. 当然,你完全可以编辑选秀的所有东西。除此之外,我们今年添加了很棒的创建球员系统。这个系统的细节嘛...游戏快发售的时候再告诉你们。
Can we adjust players playing time? If so, is it similar to the way 360/PS3 does it? Also do the changes control the playing time during simmed games as well as played games? 我们可以调整球员的上场时间吗?跟 XBOX 360 和 PS3 的方式一样吗?这些上场时间会影响你玩儿的和你模拟的比赛吗?(怪怪的...应该是我翻译的不对) Yes, rotations are fully editable right off the bat. New to NBA 2K15 is our ‘Gameplan’ feature. Gameplans allow you to set highly customized strategies per opponent. For each team you face, you can set a customized rotation to take advantage of deficiencies in your opponent. You can set preferred defensive matchups, adjust coaching sliders specifically for that team, custom Points of Emphasis, and so on. If this all sounds like too much, you can just set a global Gameplan that you want applied to all opponents or even select teams. These Gameplans are in full effect regardless of whether it is a played game or a simulated game. You will have far more control over the outcome of a game than ever before, and we don’t want it any other way. 是的,球员轮转也是完全可编辑的。『GamePlan』(比赛计划) 是我们游戏的有一个新系统。比赛计划允许玩家高度自定义针对每个不同对手的策略。对于每个不同的对手,你可以设置一个自定义的轮转,用球队的优势碾压他们。通过对教练的 Slider 的更改,你还可以设置防守对位,进攻重点等等。如果你不想要这么繁琐的设置,你可以设置一个全局的比赛计划对于所有球队或是指定的球队。不管你玩儿这场比赛还是模拟这场比赛,比赛计划都会完全生效。你可以更好的控制你的比赛,这可是从前做不到的。我们也想不到更好的方式了。
Can we use custom rosters? If so, can we save the custom rosters to the hard drive this year? 玩家们可以使用自定义的名单吗啊?如果可以,玩家们可以储存这些名单到硬盘上吗? You can use a Custom roster and yes, you can save it locally, making editing and generating rosters and draft classes easier than ever. 你可以使用自定义名单,并且你可以本地储存,编辑,生成名单,生成选修名单今年都简单了许多。
Can we save our League to the hard drive and not the cloud? 我们可以储存这个模式的存档到硬盘上,而不是网上吗? Yes, it is saved locally. 是的,它储存在本地。
Final question, what else would you like to convey to OS’ers about MyLEAGUE? 最后一个问题,关于『MyLeague』模式,你还有什么想告诉 OS 论坛的大家吗? MyLEAGUE is just the start of a number of announcements that we believe the OS community will welcome. It’s a mode created for our core user, who wants the NBA just the way they like it. And the best part, there are still a LOT more features (including core logic) for this mode that we’ll be talking about down the line when we talk MyGM (as these features are shared between the two modes). We’re ecstatic to see what you think about our year 2 next gen efforts now that we’ve had a year under our belts with the consoles… 『MyLeague』只是我们今年的一小部分,我们相信玩家们会欢迎的。这个模式是为了核心玩家准备的,为了那些就想游玩现实的 NBA 联盟的玩家。更好的是,我们还有很多好东西没讲呢,比如说『MyTeam』模式 (这两个模式的一些东西可以互通哦~) ,我们非常乐意看你们对我们 2 年来的次世代的努力的反应,要知道我们只有一年次世代的经验哦~